Thursday, August 9, 2007

Eddie releases a public statement about all his drama. UPDATE: Mel B and Allred respond.

(Photo by To Canham/Getty Images)
August 5, 2007

Now Melanie responds to Norbit with her attorney, Scary's lawyer Gloria Allred says, "He [Eddie] has not indicated in his statement or to us that he plans to visit the baby." Allred insists that Mel's main concern is for [Eddie] Murphy to "see his child, spend time with her, hold her, love her and bond with his daughter."

August 4, 2007

A statement released by Norbit's reps claims that he "acknowledges paternity of the child Angel, and has paid child support to Ms. Brown as well as covering the expenses of her pregnancy." and that "Mr. Murphy and Ms. Brown dated very briefly and never made any plans of ANY sort." I think this is a bunch of bull, at least he stepping up though. First he deny paternity but as soon as it is in the public eye, he wants to make it known he has taken care of some responsibilities, I don't get it. He knew it was his eed from the jump. Jumpoffs don't go on family outings and be around the family and shit, it Mel B was just a jump off why was Melanie photographed with the fam on vacation???

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