Friday, August 10, 2007

50 Cent throws a temper tantrum at music execs.

One of my inside sources [MissInfo] just saw 50 cent completely black out in the G-unit offices. 50 was screaming into his blackberry phone, he was on a rampage, he ripped off the 70 inch plasma on the wall and then to top it off, he threw his phone straight thru the window of his executive office….shattering the glass all over thirtysomething street.
So what in the world could possibly have sent 50 into such a rage? Well, according to my source, right before 50 threw the phone out the window, he yelled you’re f-ing everything up, youre messing up my look, my album, so you know what, I’m on f-in vacation now. F- you and F- Interscope……
Here’s the inside story. Allegedly someone inside the Interscope camp is about to lose their job or their head because a video of 50’s 3rd single, called “Follow my Lead” featuring Robin Thicke just leaked to the web. Mind you, this single isn’t supposed to come out until October….after 50’s album drops and after his Justin Timberlake collabo dies out. But now 50’s carefully laid plan is all messed up and when he found out about the leak he flipped so crazy that told the head of Interscope that he’s boycotting all promo all media and possibly leaving the label… right now? Less than a month before the album drops?

But obviously its retarded to have both the 50/Justin song out and the 50/Robin song out at the same time. Plus, how you gonna have a video out for a song that isnt even out yet? No wonder 50 went bonkers.

According to G-unit sources, 50 said F- Interscope and broke out without a trace. And I just saw a photo of the plasma ripped off the wall.

Here’s the video that caused the 50 to throw a fit (Source)

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