Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Photo: US magazine via usherforever.com
According to US magazine, Tameka checked herself into a NY area hospital on Friday after experiencing stomach cramps. "Everybody's fine. Tameka and the baby are fine," Raymond told US magazine. Until the birth of their child, you will expect to see Tameka's face everywhere before this baby is born in December. Also if you didn't know Usher has an album to promote.
Sandra Rose, reportedly said that an source close to Ushers camp told her, the wedding was cancelled on Friday, not Saturday. But guests weren't informed of the cancellation until Saturday afternoon. "People think this is part of some big publicity stunt for the album," said an insider. Only friends intimately close to the family such as LA Reid, Russell Simmons and Jamie Foster Brown were informed of the cancellation on Friday. Everyone else found out through word of mouth - or from guards when they pulled up to the gate of LA Reid's mansion.

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