Friday, July 27, 2007

Mike Vick goes to court.

Come on now they need to leave this young man alone. All this drama for nothing, they aint got no case againt the Falcons #1 guy. Well see about all this nonsense and hopefully it will all go away. Don't worry Vick, the A got your back. Now he suspended from training and hopefully he wont get suspended from the team for good. The Atlanta Falcons is going to lose a lot of money.

***********************UPDATE***************************** Via Orlando Sentinel

Vick Pleads Not Guilty

The quarterback will be tried in November, along with 3 friends who are also charged.
Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer

Daily Press (Newport News, Va.)

July 27, 2007


NFL quarterback Michael Vick pleaded not guilty Thursday afternoon to conspiracy charges related to dogfighting.

Wearing a dark suit and clasping his hands behind his back, Vick said he understood the charges against him before he entered the not-guilty plea and requested a trial by jury.

Vick and three co-defendants who also pleaded not guilty were in U.S. District Court for a bond hearing and an arraignment. Their trial was set for Nov. 26.

Vick, 27, was indicted July 17 on charges of conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and to sponsor a dog in an animal-fighting venture. Three of his friends -- Tony Taylor (34), Purnell Peace (35) and Quanis Phillips (28) -- also were indicted.

When he left the courthouse, Vick was greeted by a chorus of shouts and boos from a group of protesters gathered outside. He climbed into a white sports utility vehicle, which drove off. At a press conference behind the courthouse after the arraignment, one of the attorneys on Vick's legal team, William R. "Billy" Martin, read a statement from Vick.

Brenda Boddie, Vick's mother, stood beside Martin as he read the brief statement.

"Today in court I pleaded innocent to allegations made against me," Martin read. "I take these charges seriously and look forward to clearing my good name."

Although the four defendants will remain free pending trial, U.S. Magistrate Judge Dennis W. Dohnal ordered them to adhere to certain conditions, including surrendering their passports, not selling or possessing any dogs, and not traveling within the continental United States without prior court approval.

Vick was also ordered to surrender any animal breeding or kennel licenses, and not to reapply for them for the duration of the court proceedings.

Prosecutors also indicated in court that the four could face additional or expanded charges in the case, saying a "superseding indictment" could be filed by August.

Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer writes for the Daily Press, a Tribune Publishing newspaper.

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